In my Jr High English teaching days, I would lead my students to write the story of their names. Every year we'd look up meanings, derivatives, origins, etc. We'd craft interview questions to spur their loved ones to tell how and why each name was given. After the writing assignments were complete, always the conclusion was: names have powerful meaning. Sharing the story of a name can be a source of celebration and a great way to honor who you are to become.
Just as my business, Be Sew Blessed Quilts, feels like it's in those awkward teen years, I celebrate the chance to tell the story of its name and honor what it is yet to become!
Every quilt has a story- From its maker, its inspiration, its fabric, design, quilting, its purpose, recipient, its journey of triumphs, comforts, memories, joy, loss- the story matters. Every quilt is a blessing- These two beauties (see below) were brought to the studio for finishing- what a blessing that is for me!- by a new friend and client (yep, counted blessing!) to be gifted to her children - keep counting those blessings! As I stitched them up I had the incredible opportunity to lift up the recipients I’ve never met to the Great Giver of all Blessings and ask for a showering of His goodness over their lives. Why would I do such a thing? …
We are blessed to be a blessing!
